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The Bible has more to say about giving than it does heaven, hell, prayer – even faith! Why is giving a recurrent theme in the Bible? Because God wants us to understand – and enjoy – the blessings that come to those who give with a cheerful heart. God invites us to worship Him in all areas of our lives, including the way we spend our money.


Give Joyfully
Because we are able to achieve something with our money, we have reasons to rejoice. Our money enables ministry to take place—and this means people hear the gospel, see God’s heart, and witness His power in their lives.

Give Generously
The generous heart looks for an opportunity to serve, seeing not what we must sacrifice but what our resources are able to accomplish.

Give Sacrificially
There is no set amount we need to give, but giving sacrificially helps us prioritize God’s eternal kingdom over temporal ‘stuff’, and deepens our sense of dependence on Him.



Our services allow a time for your charitable contribution.


We accept donations via 

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Please send cash, checks, or money orders made out to Shekinah Glory Worship Assembly to our Address:

P.O. Box 1582

Commerce, Ga 30529

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